The startup correct mindset
It feels a bit extravagant for me to write about mindsets just four months into my entrepreneur journey, and yet I want to share my findings till now.
It’s all about your mindset.
Yes, you might think about all of this: the team, the idea, the investors, the delivery skills, the marketing skills, the business skills — and you are right, they are all essential. But the one secret success ingredient is your mindset.
Let’s define mindset first: “a person’s way of thinking and their opinions” (as defined by Cambridge dictionary). Mindset describes the way you think, so it’s clear that the right mindset is needed. But what is that right mindset? As I see it, you need to think that everything you do has two optional outcomes — either its a success or its a learning curve. So if you do something that doesn’t work, or is a mistake, you need to look at it as a learning journey. My inspiration is Tomas Edison’s famous quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
This mindset allows you to be bold and take risks, and boy is that a needed quality for an entrepreneur :) you have to keep doing, keep moving forward, and accept that when you faile, it’s not a failure but just a learning curve. This mindset is hard for corporate persons that are used to play by the rules since you have to pay notice not to step on anyone’s toes. You can not try everything you think is right. In a startup, you have to keep on trying and not be afraid of the subsequences.